While some business trips are more laid back, others involve major decisions and serious talks that can be downright stressful. While meeting new people, staying in different hotels, and going to intense meetings can be enjoyable, there is usually associated stress. By reducing stress while on a business trip, you will be able to better focus, work more efficiently, and show greater confidence.
Lowering Stress When Traveling on Business
Even if your travel plans are arranged by an assistant or travel agency, there are many things to consider and actions to take pertaining to reservations, packing, rental car, hotel, meeting space, meals, family, and more. Following are some viable options for reducing stress.
Be Prepared
Most importantly, be prepared for your upcoming business trip. Although things can go wrong, being prepared dramatically reduces the risk. Some suggestions for getting prepared include:
Use Good Time Management
One of the biggest stressors for any business trip is poor time management. Running late causes panic, which then leads to mistakes being made. A key example of good time management is to arrive at the airport ahead of schedule. Keep some of your work in physical form or keep your laptop in your carry-on so you can be productive while waiting for your flight and during downtime from connecting or delayed flights.
Maintain Communication
You can also reduce stress while on a business trip by keeping communication open. For instance, if you run into a problem at any time during the trip, quickly take action. Even if you only anticipate that something might go wrong, it would be better to address the issue right away so backup arrangements can be made if needed.
Smart Planning
There are several ways in which business travel will have a personal effect on you. For instance, if you are a vegetarian, notify the airline, hotel, and convention center prior to flying so there are no hassles at mealtime. You might also research the location of Internet cafes just in case you should lose your Internet connection at the hotel where you are staying. Simply put, think a little bit outside of the box and plan smart. The trip will go smoother, reducing unnecessary stress.
Never Sweat the Small Stuff
Even with the best planning in the world, sometimes things go wrong. To reduce stress while on a business trip, focus on the things that you can change, not those you have no control over. This does not mean you should never look for a solution when faced with a problem, but if all options have been considered, you may need to accept the situation for what it is and let it go.
Posted in: corporate travel, time management tips, travel tips